Title: Model-based Design, Sensing, and Control of Continuum
Manipulators and Robotic Flexible Instruments
Farshid Alambeigi, University of Texas at Austin
Long Wang, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tania Morimoto, University of California San Diego
Title: Intelligent Human Augmentation in Medical Robotic Systems
S. Farokh Atashzar, New York University
Mahdi Tavakoli, University of Alberta
Title: Building Software Systems for Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Interventions
Junichi Tokuda, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University
Axel Krieger, University of Maryland
Simon Leonard, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Fuge, University of Maryland
Title: Improving clinical outcomes of image-guided needle-based interventions: development
and clinical translation of new approaches
Pedro Moreira, Harvard Medical School
Junichi Tokuda, Harvard Medical School
Nobuhiko Hata, Harvard Medical School
Iulian Iordachita, Johns Hopkins University
Gregory Fischer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Haichong Zhang, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Title: Sensing and Feedback in Dexterous Medical/Surgical Robotics
Iulian Iordachita, Johns Hopkins University
Farshid Alambeigi, The University of Texas at Austin
Yash Chitalia, Harvard Medical School
Nancy Deaton, GeorgiaInstitute of Technology
Title: Data-Driven Methods for Robotic Minimally-Invasive Surgery
Peter Kazanzides, John Hopkins University
Blake Hannaford, University of Washington
Gregory Fischer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michael Yip, University of California, San Diego
Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona
Title: ISMR Workshop on Diversity in Medical Robotics
Elif Ayvali, Auris Health, Inc.
Ann majewicz Fey, University of Texas at Austin
Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, University of Toronto Mississauga