Please note that some of the vacancies will be closed the 15 Jan 2019, while others will be closed the 15
April 2019
(see how to apply ( Therefore,
candidatures to the last closing session will be evaluated in June.

ESR 3 has been re-opened. New deadline: 7th of March.

The ATLAS consortium is recruiting for a range of posts related to intraluminal surgery.

ATLAS is a Marie Curie ITN-EJD Project (Innovative Training Network – European Joint Doctorate, GA No 813782) that targets the training of 
experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery. Within this scheme, 15 Ph.D. positions are funded.

The Consortium is formed by
- KU Leuven - Belgium
- TU Delft - The Netherlands
- Université de Strasbourg - France
- Politecnico di Milano - Italy
- Università di Verona - Italy
- Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Italy (Pisa)
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Spain (Barcellona)

Upon successful completion, each Ph.D. candidate will be awarded a double Ph.D. degree.

Successful candidates will advance the state of the art in the following fields:
- lumen reconstruction and lumen modelling,
- sensor technology for intraluminal perception,
- actuation technology for continuum robots, and
- distributed control and decision making for autonomous continuum robots.

More information on single post and on how to apply can be found at .

Next deadline is 15 April 2019: currently open positionsare

Title: ESR5 - From local sensing to global lumen reconstruction
Main institution and supervisor: /KU Leuven, J. Vander Sloten/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /UNIVR,P. Fiorini/

Title: ESR6 - Computer vision and machine learning for tissue segmentation and 
Main institution and supervisor: /POLIMI, E. De Momi/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /UNISTRA, M. de Mathelin/

Title: ESR8 - Image-based tool tissue interaction estimation
Main institution and supervisor: /UNISTRA, N. Padoy/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /POLIMI, G. Ferrigno/

Title: ESR9 - Surgical episode segmentation from multi-modal data
Main institution and supervisor: /UNIVR, D. Dall’ Alba /
Secondary institution and supervisor: /UNISTRA, N. Padoy/

Title: ESR11 - Control of multi-DOF catheters in an unknown environment
Main institution and supervisor: /KU Leuven, E. Vander Poorten/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /TU Delft, J.Dankelman/

Title: ESR13 - Path planning and real-time re-planning
Main institution and supervisor: /POLIMI, E. De Momi/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /TU Delft, J. Dankelman/

Title: ESR14 - Automatic endoscope repositioning with respect to the surgical task
Main institution and supervisor: /UNISTRA, M. de Mathelin/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /KU Leuven, J. de Schutter/

Title: ESR15 - Optimal learning method for autonomous control and navigation
Main institution and supervisor: /UNIVR, P. Fiorini/
Secondary institution and supervisor: /UPC, A. Casals/

The project coordinator, Prof. E. Vander Poorten from KU Leuven 
(, can be contacted during SSMR and ISMR.

ATLAS - Vacancies PDF.